Analisis Pengukuran Kinerja Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah Dengan Pendekatan Value For Money
Performance, Value Of Money, EconomicsAbstract
This research aims to determine the financial performance of local governments using the value of money concept. This research was carried out by taking data for 4 years, namely from 2019 to 2022. The research used was quantitative. Which uses APBD data and the realization of the Kediri Regency APBD, which is expected to provide an overview of financial report analysis as a basis for assessing financial performance using the value for money approach. In 2019, Kediri Regency's regional income was 2,943.21 billion, with a realized income of 2,998.84 billion. In 2020, Kediri Regency's regional income was 2,945.41 billion, with a realized income of 2,835.33 billion. In 2021, Kediri Regency's regional income will be 2,777.29 billion, with a realized income of 2,923.11 billion. In 2022, Kediri Regency's regional income will be 2,774.77 billion, with a realized income of 3,056.07 billion.
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