Adaptasi Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Guna Peningkatan Penjualan Mengatasi Daya Saing Industri Kecil “Latifah Craft“ Kota Kediri


  • Titin Trimintarsih Universitas Wahidiyah Kediri
  • Munir Maliki Universitas Wahidiyah Kediri


Quality Function Deployment, Product Sales, Competitiveness


Knitting is a work of art that can be sold in the market, so producers get sales turnover. However, the industrial house "Latifah Craft" has an obstacle, namely the decline in sales of its products. This research aims to increase product sales in an effort to increase sales turnover and maximize profits. This is quantitative descriptive research with the science method as a data analysis technique and then integrated into the QFD method to obtain a sales increase strategy design. The result of this study is to recommend companies provide more frequent discounts and review pricing policies; conduct market research effectively and continuously to obtain more complete information about the market and competitors; optimize inventory management by conducting discussions with suppliers and recruiting competent employees in their fields; hold seminars or work motivation training regularly and periodically; increase production capacity by increasing the number of looms and raw material stocks; and recruit experienced and competent employees. In the field of marketing, implementing a reward and punishment system to improve employee performance and providing additional working hours or overtime systems for employees, accompanied by rewards for employees who are willing to increase their working hours,


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How to Cite

Trimintarsih, T., & Maliki, M. (2023). Adaptasi Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Guna Peningkatan Penjualan Mengatasi Daya Saing Industri Kecil “Latifah Craft“ Kota Kediri . Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy, 2(1), 131–146. Retrieved from