About the Journal

Journal Title  : Al-Muraqabah: Journal of Management and Sharia Business
P-ISSN/E-ISSN  : 2798-2629 / 2798-222X
DOI Prefix  : Prefix 10.30762 by Crossref
Editor in Chief  : Andriani
Publisher  : Sharia Business Management Study Program Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business at IAIN Kediri
Frequency  : 2 issues per year (June and December)
Citation Analysis  : Moraref | Google Scholar Garuda

AL-MURAQABAH is a National Journal of Islamic Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship, published by the Sharia Business Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business at IAIN Kediri, East Java - Indonesia. Al-Muraqabah Journal is intended as a journal for publishing research articles, conceptual articles, field study reports, and book reviews on Islamic business, management, and entrepreneurship. This journal article is published every six months, namely in June and December (2 issues per year).

The scope of Al-Muraqabah: Journal of Management and Sharia Business are limited to:

  • Islamic Marketing Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Operation Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Knowledge and Innovation Management
  • Business Ethics and Sustainable
  • Information Management System
  • Business Digital Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Risk Management
  • Islamic Financial Management
  • Economics
  • Small and Medium Enterprise (SMEs)

Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Al-Muraqabah: Journal of Management and Sharia Business
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