Optimization of Islamic Financial Literacy and Inclusion In the Competition of the Banking Industry in a Pandemic Period (Analytical Hierarchy Process Review and SWOT Analysis)


  • Andriani Andriani Institut Agam Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kediri


Literacy, Inclusion, Islamic Banks, AHP, SWOT Analysis


The banking industry is one of the leading sectors in the economy of Indonesia. Through the Bank as an intermediary for the community to be able to access various economic transactions to meet their needs. So that the Bank certainly has contributed greatly to the economic growth of the community, and national development. Indonesia has a dual banking system as an alternative transaction option for the public. Especially for the Muslim community, should have used Islamic financial transaction services at the Islamic Bank. During the pandemic, both Conventional Banks and Islamic Banks will certainly have a big impact on their operations. The two are always competing to develop businesses to increase their role in the country's economic development. This study discusses the optimization of Islamic Financial Literacy and Inclusion in Islamic Banks as a form of competitive strategy in the banking industry in Indonesia during the pandemic. The discussion will be examined in a qualitative approach through a literature study to discuss the problem. Analysis of the problem will use two methods, namely the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) which compares the two objects to determine the leading position, and SWOT analysis to see various indicators in Islamic Banks. The results of this study explain that based on the AHP method, conventional banks are superior to Islamic banks based on several criteria used for comparison. Meanwhile, based on the SWOT analysis, Islamic banks have strength in the characteristics of Islamic values ​​to optimize opportunities. In addition, the existing deficiencies must be resolved by responding to the present challenges in the form of product innovation and the use of technology.


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How to Cite

Andriani, A. (2022). Optimization of Islamic Financial Literacy and Inclusion In the Competition of the Banking Industry in a Pandemic Period (Analytical Hierarchy Process Review and SWOT Analysis). Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy, 1(2), 228–249. Retrieved from https://jurnalfebi.iainkediri.ac.id/index.php/proceedings/article/view/245


