Analisis Manajemen Digital dalam Mengoptimalkan Kinerja Bisnis
Business, Digital, ManajementAbstract
Digital management is the practice of overseeing digital resources and activities, encompassing the process of digitalization to transform analog data into digital form. Digital marketing involves the utilization of digital media and the internet for marketing purposes, encompassing online platforms, social media, and mobile devices. Experts provide various definitions of digital marketing, yet all encompass the use of digital technology for marketing objectives. Digital business management brings forth a range of benefits, including enhanced customer service quality, operational cost optimization, improved decision-making, and product innovation. It also enables companies to reach a global customer base more seamlessly. Implementing digital management necessitates a comprehensive plan, appropriate technology adoption, and the cultivation of a digital culture within the organization. Electronic platforms play a vital role in the digital economy by facilitating trade and creating online spaces for interaction between sellers and buyers. Despite the positive impacts of digital management, Indonesia still grapples with challenges in embracing digital technology changes. Human resource readiness to face technological shifts stands as a pivotal factor for Indonesia's sustained economic progress.
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