WADIAH 2024-07-23T09:19:23+00:00 Adin Fadilah Open Journal Systems <h2>TENTANG JURNAL </h2> <table cellpadding="2"> <tbody align="top"> <tr> <td width="100px">Judul Jurnal</td> <td><strong>: Wadiah: Jurnal Perbankan Syariah</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>P-ISSN</td> <td><strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2599-1515</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>E-ISSN</td> <td><strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2776-9569</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>DOI Prefix</td> <td><strong>: 10.30762</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Penerbit</td> <td><strong>: Program Studi Perbankan Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Kediri</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Terbitan Berkala</td> <td><strong>: Januari and Juli<br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top">Sitasi</td> <td><strong>: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Moraref</a></strong><strong> | <a href=";hl=id" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a> | <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sinta 4</a></strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> <p><strong>Wadiah : Jurnal Perbankan Syariah </strong>adalah jurnal penelitian dalam <strong>lingkup Perbankan Syariah</strong> yang diterbitkan oleh <strong>Program Studi Perbankan Syariah Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam IAIN Kediri</strong>. Jurnal ini memuat hasil-hasil penelitian dengan tema aktual yang dilakukan dosen peneliti dan pemerhati kajian Perbankan Syariah. Jurnal wadiah merupakan wadah diseminasi hasil-hasil riset yang <strong>diterbitkan</strong> secara berkala setiap enam bulan sekali pada bulan <strong>Januari dan Juli</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Fokus utama dan ruang lingkup yang menjadi kajian pembahasan </strong>dari <strong>"Wadiah : Jurnal Perbankan Syariah" </strong>adalah sebagai berikut :</p> <ul> <li>Perbankan Syariah</li> <li>Keuangan Islam;</li> <li>Koperasi Syariah; </li> <li>Lembaga Keuangan Syariah non Bank; </li> <li>Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Syariah; </li> <li>Akad Dalam Perbankan Syariah;</li> <li>Akad Dalam Keuangan Islam</li> </ul> Assessing Islamic Banking Equity: A Synthesis of Financial Ratios and Economic Conditions 2024-05-31T00:47:48+00:00 Faizul Mubarok Anggun Nurhasanah Nabila Desinta Fajarwati Shazkia Salsabila <p>The success of companies in the banking sector is necessary for driving economic growth and state revenues. Their success is usually measured using their share prices which is a good index of their overall value. The objectives of this paper were to analyse the relationship between independent variables and share prices of Islamic Banking companies. The independent variables are the following financial ratios for indicators Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Debt to Equity Ratio, Debt to Asset Ratio, Inflation, interest rates and exchange rates. The study made use of the random effects data model to analyse the various Islamic Banking firms that are listed capital market, using data from 2020 to 2023. The results from the study were that Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Debt to Equity Ratio and Debt to Asset Ratio had a statistically significant impact on the share prices of the Islamic Banking Companies. However, Inflation, Interest, and exchange rates did not have a statistically significant effect on stock prices. The results of this analysis will be useful for stakeholders in the Islamic banking sector as they know the most critical factors in determining the market’s valuation of a companies performance and results to help guide strategies for the future.</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Faizul Mubarok, Anggun Nurhasanah, Nabila Desinta Fajarwati, Shazkia Salsabila Increasing The Competitive Advantage Of Sharia Rural Financing Banks (BPRS) Products Through A Marketing Mix Strategy: The Approach Of Hermawan Kartajaya And Muhammad Syakir Sula 2024-06-06T09:03:51+00:00 Frans Sudirjo Arif Zunaidi Aldila Septiana <p>This research aims to analyze the marketing strategy implemented by BPRS Lantabur Tebuireng Gresik Branch to increase the competitive advantage of Tadhabbur savings products by considering the approaches of Hermawan Kartajaya and Muhammad Syakir Sula. The research method used involved interviews with BPRS marketing managers, direct on-site observation, and literature studies to understand relevant marketing principles. Research found that BPRS Lantabur Tebuireng was successful in implementing a holistic marketing strategy. They offer products that suit customer needs, set competitive prices, carry out promotions through sharia financial education, provide responsive service, utilize technology, and implement social engagement programs. The success of this strategy is supported by high service quality, synergy with local communities, a focus on ethical values, and a humanist approach to marketing. These findings indicate that this approach can be used as an effective model for other Islamic financial institutions to increase the competitive advantage of their products. Thus, implementing a marketing strategy that is holistic and based on sharia values and community welfare can be the basis for strengthening the market position of sharia financial institutions in the banking industry.&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Frans Sudirjo, Arif Zunaidi, Aldila Septiana Cash Waqf Linked Deposit; Sebuah Alternatif Pendanaan Pendidikan Tinggi 2024-06-24T09:41:54+00:00 Eric Kurniawan M. Roslianor Maika Fitri Nur Latifah Rahadi Kristiyanto <p>This research analyzes the potential of the IPB-BSI-01 Series Cash Waqf Linked Deposit (CWLD) in collecting waqf funds for education. Using a qualitative descriptive approach with interview techniques and documentation studies, it was found that the CWLD Series IPB-BSI-01 succeeded in attracting public interest, collecting more than IDR 19.5 billion in waqf funds. However, this number has only reached 19% of the national target of IDR 100 billion, indicating that there are still large opportunities for improvement. The success of the IPB-BSI-01 Series CWLD is due to the ease of access and flexibility of waqf, transparency and accountability in fund management, as well as the clear benefits of educational scholarships for recipients. Challenges faced include a lack of socialization and literacy of CWLD products in the community, as well as the gap between national targets and current funding. The research conclusion shows that the CWLD IPB-BSI-01 Series has great potential as an important instrument in collecting education waqf funds in Indonesia. Constructive steps that need to be taken include intensive outreach, optimizing technology, diversifying fundraising strategies, strengthening transparency and accountability, as well as developing innovative products and services. With the collaboration of various parties, including the government, educational institutions, the private sector and the wider community, the IPB-BSI-01 Series CWLD program can achieve national targets and provide a significant positive impact on the future of education in Indonesia.</p> 2024-07-01T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eric Kurniawan Eric, M. Roslianor Maika, Fitri Nur Latifah, Rahadi Kristiyanto Literasi Perbankan Syariah Untuk Meningkatkan Akselerasi Inklusi Keuangan (Studi pada Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) KCP Probolinggo) 2024-07-01T09:18:49+00:00 Mohammad Syaiful Suib Lina Amelia <p>This research aims to analyze the literacy used by syariah banking in increasing the acceleration of financial inclusion at BSI KCP Probolinggo. This research explores the impact of the role of syariah banking literacy on accelerating financial inclusion, in the context of inclusive and sustainable syariah banking. This topic was chosen to fill the gap in understanding the contribution of syariah banking literacy to the development of financial inclusion, which is a crucial aspect in building a sustainable syariah financial institutional environment. The qualitative approach used in this research is a case study type. The selection of objects at BSI KCP Probolinggo was based on considerations because the bank is one of the syariah financial institutions that plays an important role in the development of syariah finance in the Probolinggo area. The techniques used to collect research data consist of in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Where the research data consists of primary data obtained from several research informants, namely the director of BSI KCP Probolinggo, three employees of BSI KCP Probolinggo, five customers of BSI KCP Probolinggo. Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained from national and international journals that were relevant to research. The data analysis techniques used consist of data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusions. The research results show that syariah banking literacy in increasing financial inclusion is carried out by providing financial education, holding promotions and marketing, and conducting outreach through various media. Syariah banking literacy has a significant impact on increasing financial inclusion.</p> 2024-07-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Syaiful suib, Lina Amelia Analisis Strategi Penyelesaian Pembiayaan Bermasalah Pada Produk Rahn Di KSPPS “BMT Berbagi” Jepara 2024-07-02T08:52:00+00:00 Syifaur Rohman Miswan Ansori <p>This research aims to identify the factors that cause financing problems and strategies for handling them at the BMT Sharia Savings and Loans and Financing Cooperative (KSPPS) in Jepara. A descriptive qualitative approach is used to describe the problematic financing phenomenon experienced by Islamic financial institutions. Primary data was obtained through interviews and direct observation, while secondary data was collected from financial reports and periodicals. Data analysis was carried out using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions according to Miles and Huberman's theory.</p> <p>The research results show that financing problems at KSPPS BMT Sharing are caused by internal factors, such as weak financing analysis, lack of supervision, and suboptimal coordination of the financing committee. External factors include the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic inflation, and the character of members who are irresponsible in paying installments. The handling strategies implemented include preventive measures (financing analysis, monitoring and evaluation), revitalization (rescheduling, restructuring and reconditioning), as well as curative measures (collateral execution, liquidation and collection through third parties). The effectiveness of this strategy is proven by reducing the number of non-performing financing by 19% from 2022 to 2023&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Syifaur Rohman, Miswan Ansori Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Pada Produk BSI Tabungan Easy Wadiah 2024-07-01T10:16:53+00:00 Devid Frastiawan Amir Sup Sabaruddin <p>Banks in their development will always face very competitive situations. It is important for banks to be able to achieve competitive advantage, one thing banks can do is to develop service quality. Banks must do several things that can bind customers' hearts to remain loyal to the bank, so the services provided by the bank must be right on target, so that customer satisfaction becomes an important part of maintaining customer loyalty to the bank. This research aims to measure the influence of service quality on customer satisfaction with the BSI Easy Wadiah Savings product, at Bank Syariah Indonesia KCP Magelang Muntilan, Central Java. The method used in this research is a quantitative method, using SPSS software analysis tools. There are two variables used in this research, namely the independent variable Service Quality (X) and the dependent variable Customer Satisfaction (Y). The results obtained from this research are that there is a positive and significant influence between service quality and customer satisfaction. If service quality increases, customer satisfaction will also be higher. This is proven by the results of the t test analysis which shows the calculated t is 19.213 with a significance level of 0.01.</p> 2024-07-08T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Devid Frastiawan Amir Sup, Sabaruddin Urgensi Mutu Pelayanan Customer Service Dalam Meningkatkan Kepuasan Dan Loyalitas Nasabah 2024-07-04T09:59:05+00:00 Choiru Umatin Chelsea Vanessa Atina Sulkha Noviana Nurkholifah Adjie Pambudi Mochamad Nasichin Al Muiz M. Ubaidillah Ridwanulloh <p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong></p> <p>Service capability plays an important role for the sustainability of a company in increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. The main priority of a company engaged in banking services is customer satisfaction. In winning the increasingly competitive competition, the Bank strives to provide the best service (service excellent). This study aims to determine the importance of retaining customers and reaching potential customers. In addition, to find out how to maintain and improve the quality and loyalty of its customers. The research uses a library research method in which data is collected based on academic data bases, digital libraries, and repositories of educational institutions. Some references are obtained from books, scientific journals, articles and research reports relevant to customer service quality research in improving customer quality and loyalty. The result is that customer service quality has a crucial role in shaping customer perceptions of financial institutions. Quality of service is very concerned about satisfaction and loyalty to maintain a positive brand image or image in the eyes of the community. The effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty can show that customer satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty. Increasing service quality has an impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty is also increasing. Conversely, if the quality of Customer Service service decreases, it will have an impact on worsening customer satisfaction and loyalty.</p> 2024-07-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Choiru Umatin, Chelsea Vanessa, Atina Sulkha, Noviana Nurkholifah, Adjie Pambudi , Mochamad Nasichin Al Muiz, M. Ubaidillah Ridwanulloh A Determinants Of The Profitability Of Islamic Commercial Banks In Indonesia 2024-07-08T00:21:59+00:00 Ira Tusiyani Fetria Eka Yudiana <p>Factors that influence bank profitability can come from various performances. One of the profitability ratios used is Return On Assets (ROA), which is a profitability ratio that shows the percentage of profits to determine the company's efficiency in managing assets to generate profits. Other factors that influence profitability include Third Party Funds and Non-Performing Finance. The aim of this research is to examine the influence of DPK and NPF on profit sharing financing at Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia in 2016-2020. This type of research is quantitative, using data collection techniques with purpose sampling. This research also uses panel data analysis techniques, namely a combination of time series and cross section data. The panel data regression model is a combination of data from a number of objects within a certain time period. The total population is 14 Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia, with a sample size of 10 Islamic commercial banks in accordance with the characteristics of this research. This research uses a panel data regression analysis method which is processed using eviews 10. The results of this research are that DPK has a negative and insignificant effect on profitability. NPF has a positive and insignificant effect on profitability. Profit sharing financing has a positive and significant effect on profitability. DPK has a positive and significant effect on profit sharing financing. NPF has a negative and significant effect on profit sharing financing. Profit sharing financing does not mediate TPF and NPF on profitability. </p> 2024-07-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ira Tusiyani, Fetria Eka Yudiana