Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy <table width="659"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>Journal Title</p> </td> <td> <p><strong>Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>E-ISSN</p> </td> <td> <p>2963-136X (Online)</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Editor in Chief</p> </td> <td> <p><strong>Arif Zunaidi</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Publisher</p> </td> <td> <p><strong>Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam ,IAIN Kediri</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Frequency</p> </td> <td> <p><strong>August and November</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Citation Analysis</p> </td> <td> <p><strong>Google Scholar</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong>Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy</strong> is a forum for publishing calls for papers and seminars organized by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Kediri. Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy are published twice a year, in July and November. This proceeding contains the results of research and thoughts carried out by lecturers, researchers, students, and writers from other institutions or agencies from the disciplines of economics, management, accounting, and Islamic philanthropy, which have been seminars on activities organized by the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business. Organizing the Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy is one of the active efforts of the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business IAIN Kediri to be involved in synergies between universities, the government, and the general public in order to encourage community economic growth and improve the quality of life of the community through the media and scientific publications. This proceeding is expected to be of benefit to all of us and to be able to add insight and development of knowledge, especially in the fields of economics, management, accounting, and Islamic philanthropy, and can be a reference for researchers in their efforts to build a nation and state.</p> <p>The scope of <strong>Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy</strong> are limited to: Islamic economics, Islamic banking and finance, Islamic economic management, Management Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqoh and Waqf, Islamic entrepreneurship and business, Islamic economics thought, Islamic insurance, Islamic accounting, and Islamic philanthropy.</p> Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, IAIN Kediri en-US Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy 2963-136X The Effect of ROA and ROE on Stock Prices During the Pandemic <p>The Consumer Cyclicals sector is the sector with the highest number of companies listed in the Indonesian Islamic Stock Index (ISSI) from January 2020 to September 2022. This sector is highly influenced by economic dynamics, with its stock prices fluctuating in line with economic developments. Company financial performance, especially profitability ratios, is one of the key factors affecting stock prices. Profitability ratios provide an indication of how well a company can generate profits. This research is a quantitative study. The study population consists of 58 companies in the Consumer Cyclicals sector listed in ISSI. After the purposive sampling process, 52 companies were included in this research. Secondary data consisting of 572 data points from quarterly reports from 2020 to September 2022 were used for the analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 17.0. The research results indicate a significant influence of return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) on stock prices. ROA has a significant negative impact, while ROE has a significant positive impact on stock prices. Both of these ratios together explain approximately 48.3% of the variation in stock prices.</p> Ummah Ummah Zuraidah Zuraidah Sri Hariyanti Copyright (c) 2023 Ummah Ummah, Zuraidah Zuraidah, Sri Hariyanti 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 2 2 1 19 How Do Businesspeople React to Metaverse Marketing Strategy? <p><em>The Metaverse has changed the way consumers interact with brands and products. Therefore, writing about the marketing metaverse can help companies understand changes in consumer behavior and formulate marketing strategies that are more relevant and effective in a metaverse environment. This study aims to provide several actions that business actors can take to deal with the presence of the metaverse and how to respond to it, particularly in their marketing activities, which will obviously differ from marketing activities in general in practice. This is a type of library research in which the object of study uses library data in the form of books as a data source. In the metaverse, various new technologies are used, such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), blockchain, and others. This paper generated about the marketing metaverse can help explore the potential of this technology and how companies can integrate it into their marketing strategies. Paper Type: General Review</em></p> Arif Zunaidi Copyright (c) 2023 Arif Zunaidi 2023-12-02 2023-12-02 2 2 20 44 Strategies to Maintain Economic Stability in the Era of Inflation: An Islamic Perspective <p><em>Inflation is a continuous increase in the price level of goods and services in the economy which can disrupt economic stability and people's lives. High and unstable inflation has a negative impact on the socio-economic conditions of society. Therefore, the central bank and government need to take action to maintain economic stability and control inflation</em></p> Aulia Rahmawati Evanda Tri Wahyuni Vicky Permana Saputra Binti Nur Asiyah Copyright (c) 2023 Aulia Rahmawati, Evanda Tri Wahyuni, Vicky Permana Saputra, Binti Nur Asiyah 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 2 2 45 57 Ethical Leadership in External Governance of Sharia Business Entities: A Case Study on the Role of Leadership in Improving Shariah Compliance <p><em>The positive impact of ethical leadership on the performance of sharia business entities that follow Islamic sharia principles is researched with a focus on leaders who not only understand but also apply ethical and moral values in their leadership. This research reveals various ethical leadership practices, such as fairness, transparency, and commitment to social responsibility, which have a positive influence on sharia compliance and company performance. In addition, research highlights the important role of leaders in shaping organizational culture in accordance with Islamic principles. Leaders who practice ethics not only set an example for their teams but also inspire them to adopt behaviors that support sharia compliance. Therefore, understanding and implementing ethical values by leaders is the key to creating a work environment that supports the sustainability of sharia business entities. The practical implications of this research include the need for employee development, the development of sharia-compliant products and services, and a commitment to social responsibility as part of the company’s sustainability strategy. Ethically oriented leaders not only contribute to a company’s Shariah compliance but also play an important role in guiding an organization to success in a global context. Therefore, this research provides in-depth insight into the close relationship between ethical leadership and the success of sharia business entities.</em></p> Riska Rahmawati Fajar Dwi Nur Afifah Dian Nur Aprilia Copyright (c) 2023 Riska Rahmawati, Fajar Dwi Nur Afifah, Dian Nur Aprilia 2022-12-14 2022-12-14 2 2 58 71 The Role of Management of the Jariyah Drilling Well Program in Improving Community Welfare (Case Study of BMH Kediri Drilling Well, Keniten Village) <p><em>Currently, non-profit organizations such as OPZ, LAZ, and so on are increasingly known to the public. The programs presented are also increasingly varied; the number of programs makes OPZ and LAZ increasingly develop and begin to gain public trust. The management of the drilled wells charity program is carried out by Laznas Baitul Maal Hidayatullah as one of its superior programs. This program is also carried out by other institutions, but only as an incidental program that is not prepared and carried out continuously, like in Laznas Baitul Maal Hidayatullah. In Kediri, Laznas Baitul Maal Hidayatullah is the only OPZ, or LAZ, that organizes this program. This research uses qualitative research methods, and data collection techniques use data from interviews and literature studies. This research aims to provide education about program management at OPZ or LAZ, as well as the role of waqf for community welfare. The management of this program is carried out by the institution, and various maintenance tasks are carried out by local residents and the institution. With this drilled-well charity program, it can indeed fulfill the community's water needs. Being a public facility, this drilled well can be used by anyone and for anything. Because these drilled wells are often built in the surroundings of mosques, prayer rooms, and Islamic boarding schools, they will also be used for the maintenance of mosques, prayer rooms, and Islamic boarding schools. This is one form of maintenance of places of worship carried out by the community and donors as helpers in fulfilling funds. in their construction.</em></p> Novi Puspita Sari Ashfa Fikriyah Sayekti Indah K Copyright (c) 2023 Novi Puspita Sari, Ashfa Fikriyah, Sayekti Indah K 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 2 2 72 83 Inflation and Its Contribution to Economic Stability in Indonesia in an Islamic Economic Perspective <p><em>Inflation has decreased compared to times that have been exceeded, however, its journey has slowed down. This is also accompanied by the development of GDP achievements. This paper aims to analyze the slowing down in inflation decline and its impact on economic stability This paper is reviewed with a qualitative approach and research type of literature study. This paper results that reducing inflation is one of the efforts to maintain the stability of a country's economy and economic stability is an important factor in maintaining the sustainability of a country's economy.</em></p> Fira Arista Widya Farihana Lutfiatul Maula Muhammad Dizikrillah Dinnur Luqman Al Hakim Hany Salshabilla Dwi Nur Afifah Binti Nur Asiyah Copyright (c) 2023 Fira Arista Widya, Farihana Lutfiatul Maula, Muhammad Dizikrillah Dinnur Luqman Al Hakim, Hany Salshabilla, Dwi Nur Afifah, Binti Nur Asiyah 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 2 2 84 99 The Importance of Understanding Intellectual Property Rights from a Legal Perspective and Its Benefits for Society <p><em>Intellectual property rights are the right to obtain legal protection for your intellectual property in accordance with the law. in the field of IPR. This observation discusses the importance of understanding intellectual property rights from a legal perspective and its positive impact on society. Through an analysis of legal perspectives, this research highlights the significance of understanding intellectual property rights in protecting innovation and creativity. In fact, this research identifies concrete benefits that can be obtained by society from understanding intellectual property rights. The methods in this research are qualitative analysis research and a literary-view approach. The target of this discussion is to provide education to the public about the importance of understanding IPR and its benefits to society. The conclusions of this investigation highlight the need for a greater understanding of intellectual property rights among the general public. As a result, these discussions channeled significant participation to strengthen the legal basis and public understanding regarding intellectual property rights, with the hope of stimulating sustainable economic growth and better protection for innovation and creativity.</em></p> Ayu Cahya Pratiwi Nabila Riski Laili Pertiwi Abdul Hafidz Al Baihaqi Copyright (c) 2023 Ayu Cahya Pratiwi, Nabila Riski Laili Pertiwi, Abdul Hafidz Al Baihaqi 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 2 2 100 120 Analysis of the Legality and Role of Licensing Agencies in Macro and Small Business Management in Indonesia <p><em>Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) have a very important role in the Indonesian economy, but they often face various difficulties when managing them. Legality and licensing are problems that MSEs often complain about. Therefore, it is imperative to conduct an analysis of the legality of licensing agencies and their functions in managing micro and small businesses in Indonesia. This research aims to determine how licensing laws and functions affect the management of small and macro businesses in Indonesia. This research uses descriptive and qualitative methods through literature studies and interviews with relevant people. The study shows that legality and licensing are essential to the management of Indonesian businesses, both small and large. Legality forms the legal basis that all businesses in Indonesia must fulfill in order to operate legally, while licensing is a requirement that must be fulfilled by the business. However, many MSMEs lack the necessary legalities and permits due to various reasons, such as high costs, complicated procedures, and a lack of understanding about laws and permits.</em></p> Nuryatin Fiqhiyyah Lailita Kusumaning Wahyudi Nola Erlinda Wahyu Sholikin Copyright (c) 2023 jurnal3 jurnal3; Nuryatin Fiqhiyyah, Lailita Kusumaning Wahyudi, Nola Erlinda, Wahyu Sholikin 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 2 2 121 139 E-Commerce Assurance: Exploring the Legal Fortifications for Consumers in Digital Markets <p><em>Electronic commerce (e-commerce) transactions have experienced rapid growth in recent years, presenting new challenges in terms of legal protection for consumers. This research aims to investigate the legal protection provided to consumers in the context of this growing e-commerce transaction. Through a literature study approach, data was obtained from various relevant sources to analyze the legal framework that regulates it. The research results show that there is a legal basis that protects consumers, such as consumer protection regulations in various countries that regulate consumer rights. The regulated aspects involve the right to clear information, the right to cancel or return goods, as well as the right to privacy and security of personal data. Apart from that, dispute resolution is also an important focus in consumer legal protection, with mechanisms such as arbitration, mediation, and court being options for resolving disputes with sellers. Despite the legal protections available, challenges remain in implementing and enforcing the law, particularly regarding cross-border jurisdictions, unclear seller identification, and law enforcement on e-commerce platforms. This research provides a deeper understanding of consumer legal protection in the context of e-commerce transactions, highlighting the importance of strengthening existing legal frameworks and raising awareness regarding this issue.</em></p> Denysa Ratna Sari Naila Saidah Shela Rahma Azizah Copyright (c) 2023 Denysa Ratna Sari, Naila Saidah, Shela Rahma Azizah 2023-12-13 2023-12-13 2 2 140 156 Fishbone Analysis Method Adaptation in UD Nugraha Jaya Kediri Defective Products Quality Control <p><em>Kediri is rich in crops, so special handling is needed so that the abundant fruits during the harvest season are not wasted because they have become rotten and can no longer be processed. UD Nugraha Jaya has processed products in the form of pineapple chips, jackfruit, mango, purple cassava, tape, breadfruit, and cassava. However, the products produced often experience defects that may be caused by man, method, machine, material, or environment. The research method used is the qualitative method, with interviews, documentation, and observation. Analytical tools with the fish bone analysis method. UD Nugraha Jaya has quality control activities in three stages: raw materials, production processes, and final products. The role of fishbone analysis in improving product quality in fruit chip products is to identify four types of dominant product defects: wilted, burnt, inappropriate-size products, and packaging damage. Based on the analysis of the cause and effect diagram, it is known that the factors causing deviations or defects in the product are human or employee factors, methods, machines, and materials or raw materials. It is recommended to use fishbone more often because it was recorded that before using fishbone, defective products amounted to 29.48% of the total production; there was a reduction to 6.83%. This means that there is a difference before and after using fish bone.</em></p> Titin Trimintarsih Copyright (c) 2023 Titin Trimintarsih 2022-12-14 2022-12-14 2 2 157 174 The Role of Exchange Rates, Foreign Exchange Policies, and Foreign Exchange Reserves on the Stability of the Islamic Economy in a Country <p>This article discusses the Exchange Rate and Foreign Exchange Reserves which are very influential on the Indonesian economy. The exchange rate is the price of one unit of foreign currency in domestic currency or can also be said to be the price of domestic currency against foreign currency. Foreign exchange reserves are also an important factor to show that the country can carry out international trade activities. The availability of foreign exchange reserves in Indonesia is still small so that international payments cannot be made and cause a decline in the exchange rate due to a balance of payments deficit. This research is a qualitative research. The data used in this research is secondary data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), and other relevant publications. The variables in this study are the exchange rate, foreign exchange reserves in the economic stability of the State. From these results, it is found that exchange rates and foreign exchange have an important role in the economic stability of a country.</p> Holly Habib Witjaksono Adinda Agustina Annisaa Sholihah Fahmi Bagus Kurniawan Lisa Selviani Setyo Ningrum Nur Haliza Asta Palupi Binti Nur Asiyah Copyright (c) 2023 Holly Habib Witjaksono, Adinda Agustina Annisaa Sholihah, Fahmi Bagus Kurniawan, Lisa Selviani Setyo Ningrum, Nur Haliza Asta Palupi, Binti Nur Asiyah 2022-12-13 2022-12-13 2 2 175 194 Effect of Cash Flow and Net Profit on Share Price <p><em>The stock price is an indicator of the success of a company, but it can also be seen through the condition of profits and cash flow turnover. The better the performance of a company, the price of its shares will increase, so it is natural for issuers to maintain their share prices because they reflect the actual condition of the company. This study aims to analyze the effect of operating cash flow, investment cash flow, financing cash flow, and net income on sharia stock prices at Kalbe Farma Tbk. This research is quantitative with an associative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation. The population in this study is the financial statements of the company Kalbe Farma Tbk. for the 2013–2020 period, while the samples taken were all financial reports for the company Kalbe Farma Tbk. for the 2013–2020 period, and sampling was taken using a saturated sample. The data analysis technique used in this study is an associative analysis technique, namely multiple linear regression testing, classical assumption testing, hypothesis testing, and coefficient of determination testing.</em></p> Naning Fatmawatie Copyright (c) 2023 Naning Fatmawatie 2022-12-15 2022-12-15 2 2 195 212 Resolving Business Disputes: The Crucial Role of Conflict Management in Holding Company Restructuring <p><em>This research discusses conflict management and business dispute resolution in the context of holding companies, with an emphasis on the impact of restructuring. Using a qualitative analytical approach, this research carefully explores the conflict management strategies implemented to overcome differences among business entities incorporated in a holding company. The objectives of this study include analyzing the internal and external factors that trigger conflict within the holding company, with a particular focus on the impact of restructuring on conflict dynamics. In addition, this study aims to assess the effectiveness of various conflict management strategies applied in resolving business disputes under restructuring situations, understand the impact of restructuring on relationships between business units within the holding company, analyze the role of leadership in reducing conflict and facilitating dispute resolution, and explore the impact of leadership policies on restructuring situations. The results illustrate that restructuring within a holding company affects conflict dynamics, where structural changes and corporate policies can create tension between business units while opening up opportunities for more effective conflict resolution.</em></p> Shinta Kurnia Dewi Restiana Dwi Rahmawati Zahria Alfiana Copyright (c) 2023 Shinta Kurnia Dewi, Restiana Dwi Rahmawati, Zahria Alfiana 2023-12-16 2023-12-16 2 2 213 234 Building Trust in E-Commerce: Legal Foundations for Effective Consumer Protection <p><em>E-commerce experienced significant growth with the introduction of the internet, removing national barriers in trade transactions. Ease of internet access has led to an increase in the consumer base in e-commerce, driven by factors such as practicality, efficient payment systems, time efficiency, and attractive promotional prices offered by online businesses. Despite these clear advantages, concerns have arisen regarding the responsibilities of online companies towards e-commerce consumers due to the large number of such companies. The Trade Act 2014 (Trade Act) and the Consumer Protection Act 1999 (Consumer Protection Act) serve as guiding principles for businesses engaging in various forms of commerce, including conventional and e-commerce transactions. The rapid growth of e-commerce transactions demands strict supervision from the government to ensure proper implementation.</em></p> Ana Nur Oktavia Mutamimah Wulandari Wulandari Afrida Amalia Putri Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Nur Oktavia Mutamimah, Wulandari Wulandari, Afrida Amalia Putri 2023-12-16 2023-12-16 2 2 235 251 The Concept of Collaboration of the Triple Bottom Line Method in Measuring the Implementation of Green Accounting and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the MSME Industry <p><em>The Triple Bottom Line concept can be used to measure the application of green accounting and corporate social responsibility with dimensions that include five basic principles used as measurements, including transparency, accountability, independence, and finally fairness. The method used is qualitative, with a phenomenological approach, and the type of field scientific work. Primary data is obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation at MSME Manufacture, especially in CV. Gudange Tahu Takwa (GTT). Results show that CV. Gudange Tahu Takwa (GTT) applies green accounting in four categories, namely costs based on activities, total quality management, re-engineering processes, and environmental costs. This strategy includes cost management, quality planning, process improvement, and waste treatment. That CV, Gudange Tahu Takwa (GTT), has fulfilled several Triple Bottom Line principles in&nbsp;CSR. These results for MSMEs in manufacturing&nbsp;are expected to contribute to further understanding of the application of sustainable practices in MSMEs.</em></p> Fani Ma’sumatul Maghfiroh Sri Anugrah Natalina Rofik Efendi Yuliani Yuliani Copyright (c) 2023 Fani Ma’sumatul Maghfiroh, Sri Anugrah Natalina, Rofik Efendi, Yuliani Yuliani 2023-12-16 2023-12-16 2 2 252 272 Obedience Analysis of Chicken Meat Production Phase in Halal Supply Chain Reviewed From Fatwa DSN MUI and Consumer Protection Law <p><em>Meat is a basic need that is consumed by almost all Indonesians. Although chicken is a halal animal, if the slaughter process is not carried out in a halal manner, the meat can become haram. Seeing the increasing consumer needs, it is important to maintain the integrity of halal meat by ensuring the status and requirements of halal meat are fulfilled. As a phenomenon found in one of the supermarkets in Kediri, chicken meat was found whose slaughter was considered less than perfect because the chicken's neck was not slaughtered like using a knife; there was only a small hole in the neck. So, it is important to suspect how the supply chain of chicken meat circulates in Kediri Regency, so this research is focused on: 1. How is the halal supply chain of chicken meat in Mr. X's RPA? 2. How is the obedience of the chicken meat production phase in the halal supply chain at Mr. X's RPA in terms of the DSN MUI Fatwa Number 12 of 2009? 3. How is the obedience of the chicken meat production phase in the halal supply chain at Mr. X's RPA in terms of Law Number 8 of 1999? This type of research is qualitative and examines the obedience of the chicken meat supply chain to the MUI fatwa and consumer protection law. This research was conducted in Kediri Regency, East Java. In this study, researchers used interviews, observation, and documentation as methods of data collection. Interviews were directed to the owner of the slaughterhouse, employees of the live chicken transport section, chicken meat processing, and consumers of Mr. X's RPA. As a result of the research, the chicken meat supply chain at Mr. X's RPA consists of three phases. In each phase, there are still indicators that do not fulfill the provisions. The halal meat supply chain in Mr. X's RPA against Government Regulation No. 95/2012 has not reached 100%, where 13 out of 26 indicators of veterinary public health and animal welfare have not been fulfilled. Mr. X's RPA obedience to MUI Fatwa No. 12 of 2009 has not reached 100%, where there are 4 out of 20 indicators of halal slaughter certification standards that have not been met. Mr. X's RPA's obedience to Law No. 8 of 1999 has also not reached 100%, where 1 out of 15 indicators of consumer protection has not been met.</em></p> Hanafil Haq Aninda Ali Samsuri Copyright (c) 2023 Hanafil Haq Aninda, Ali Samsuri 2023-12-19 2023-12-19 2 2 273 294 The Competitive Advantage of Halal-Certified Food in International Trade by PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh Jember <p><em>The objectives to be achieved from this research are first to explore the reasons for PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh to use halal certification in international trade. Second, conducting an analysis from the perspective of the competitive advantage of halal-certified food in international trade by PT Mitratani Dua Seven. Research method with a qualitative approach of the phenomenological type. Data were collected by observation, interviews, documentation, and FGDs. The analysis used by Michael E. Porter focuses on competitive advantage. The results of this study show that first, the reason for using halal certification by PT Mitratani Dua Tujuh is because halal certification is already mandatory in addition to expanding market reach and increasing production scale. Second, the competitive advantage caused can create differentiated products and can stem its competitors.</em></p> Nikmatul Masruroh Siti Indah Purwaning Yuwana Jufan Afnani Anwar Yazidul Fawaid Copyright (c) 2023 Nikmatul Masruroh, Siti Indah Purwaning Yuwana, Jufan Afnani Anwar, Yazidul Fawaid 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 2 2 295 317