Comparative Analysis of Cost Flow Assumptions and the Merchandise Inventory Recording System at UD Agung Pratama


  • Atik Tri Andari Polinema PSDKU Kediri
  • Novie Astuti Setianingsih Polinema PSDKU Kediri
  • Erza Wahyudia Pawestri Polinema PSDKU Kediri


Cost Flow Assumption, Merchandise Inventory, Recording System


This study aims to analyze the comparison of calculations between the assumption of cost flows and the system of recording merchandise inventory in UD Agung Pratama. This study uses quantitative and descriptive methods to analyze merchandise inventory data from 2019–2020. This research analysis technique uses FIFO and average methods through periodic and perpetual inventory system analysis. The results of this study prove that the calculation of inventory using the FIFO method, both in the periodic and perpetual systems, produces a higher net profit value when compared to the calculation using the average method in both the periodic and perpetual systems. The calculation results of the FIFO method show the lowest value of cost of goods sold and the highest value of final inventory. Therefore, the calculation of inventory in UD Agung Pratama is expected to use the FIFO method, and the inventory system uses a perpetual system because it shows accurate and detailed inventory values.


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How to Cite

Andari, A. T., Setianingsih, N. A., & Pawestri, E. W. . (2022). Comparative Analysis of Cost Flow Assumptions and the Merchandise Inventory Recording System at UD Agung Pratama. Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy, 1(2), 510–521. Retrieved from


