Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Berbasis Zakat Komunitas Perspektif Maqashid As-Syariah Ibnu Asyur (Studi Kasus di BAZNAS Kab. Jember)
Economic Empowerment, Productive Zakat, Maqashid as-SyariahAbstract
This study reveals the importance of zakat as an instrument of community economic empowerment, optimization of strategies, and the role of zakat must start from a shift in consumptive patterns to productive ones. The construction of the concept of empowerment with a community zakat-based productivity system is expected to balance the community's economy. Bearing in mind, the biggest goal of the obligation of zakat is to reduce economic class disparities and fulfill the basic needs of the community. The data obtained in the field shows the distribution of zakat in BAZNAS Kab. Jember 65% is managed productively, 20% is managed in a consumptive way, 10% is for social benefits such as death, childbirth, and natural disaster compensation, and 5% for amil, in this case, is the management of BAZNAS Jember. Based on these data, it can be concluded that none of the informants said that if zakat assets were distributed productively, they did not contain benefits and benefits. This means, that the distribution of zakat productively is the goal of the stipulation of zakat because in the concept of productive zakat there is benefit in general even though the benefit, in particular, is delayed, namely the provision of consumptive zakat.
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