Patterns of Sharia-Based SMEs' Mentoring and Development in K-UKM Clinic East Java
Business Assistance Clinic, SMEs, Sharia, Covid-19Abstract
The following article aims to discuss the pattern of mentoring and developing the fostered business, as well as to find out the supporting and inhibiting factors for the development of the fostered business at the K-UKM Clinic, the Department of Cooperatives and Small Micro Enterprises, East Java. The research method used is qualitative with a field research approach. The data collection technique is through observation, interviews, and documentation, while the data analysis technique is descriptive, because this research will describe objectively matters related to the research topic. The results showed that the pattern of mentoring and development used was through 2 programs, namely (1) the New Entrepreneurial Program (WUB) for those who did not have a business through development, and (2) SMEs for those who already had a business through development. Meanwhile, the supporting and inhibiting factors for the pattern of business development include the fields of human resources, the field of economics, the field of organization, and the technical field.
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