Review Artikel: Transformasi Digital Dalam Bisnis Dan Manajemen
Digital transformation, Business and management thematic, evolution bibliometrics overview, synergistic frameworkAbstract
Research on digital transformation (TD) has generated great interest among academics in recent decades. All groups of countries, cities, industries, companies, and individuals face the same challenges to adapt to the digital world. There are 2 objectives in this article, the first is to map the thematic evolution of TD research in the field of business and management, because the existing research in these fields is still limited to certain domains. To achieve this, articles were identified and reviewed which were published in the Chartered Association of Business Schools' (ABS)≥ stellar journal. The second objective, is to propose a synergistic framework linking existing research on TD with the areas of business and management, which will help shape the evolutionary perspective taken in this article. Considering the development of the topic under investigation, the framework is conceived as a solid basis for further discussion and future research. In this study, the systematic review described by and Kraus, Breier, and Dasí-Rodríguez (2020) and Tranfield, Denyer, and Smart (2003) was used to achieve the objective of structuring existing research on TD in business and management.
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