Pengaruh Prodamas Plus Terhadap Peningkatan Perekonomian Kota Kediri
Economy, prodamas plus, MojorotoAbstract
Prodamas Plus is the Kediri City Community Empowerment Program which has experienced an increase in the number of budgets. Prodamas Plus is a program that empowers the people of the City of Kediri to increase the development and income of the City of Kediri. This Empowerment Program used to disburse funds of 50 million per year per RT but now has increased the budget to 100 million per year per RT. The 100 million fund is divided by 60% for the infrastructure sector, and 40% for the socio-economic sector. The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic improvement that is affected by Prodamas Plus so that it can be utilized by all citizens of Kediri. This study provides benefits to determine whether Prodamas Plus has an effect on increasing the economy and income of the residents of Kediri City. The object of research is the 13 sub-districts of Kediri City in the Mojoroto sub-district. Questionnaires will be distributed directly by researchers to respondents. The sample in this study were residents based on neighborhood associations in Mojoroto Village. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The results of this study are the increasing Kediri economy is influenced by the existence of Prodamas Plus
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