Resolving Business Disputes: The Crucial Role of Conflict Management in Holding Company Restructuring


  • Shinta Kurnia Dewi IAIN Kediri
  • Restiana Dwi Rahmawati IAIN Kediri
  • Zahria Alfiana IAIN Kediri


Holding Company, Conflict Management, Restructuring


This research discusses conflict management and business dispute resolution in the context of holding companies, with an emphasis on the impact of restructuring. Using a qualitative analytical approach, this research carefully explores the conflict management strategies implemented to overcome differences among business entities incorporated in a holding company. The objectives of this study include analyzing the internal and external factors that trigger conflict within the holding company, with a particular focus on the impact of restructuring on conflict dynamics. In addition, this study aims to assess the effectiveness of various conflict management strategies applied in resolving business disputes under restructuring situations, understand the impact of restructuring on relationships between business units within the holding company, analyze the role of leadership in reducing conflict and facilitating dispute resolution, and explore the impact of leadership policies on restructuring situations. The results illustrate that restructuring within a holding company affects conflict dynamics, where structural changes and corporate policies can create tension between business units while opening up opportunities for more effective conflict resolution.


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How to Cite

Dewi, S. K., Rahmawati, R. D., & Alfiana, Z. (2023). Resolving Business Disputes: The Crucial Role of Conflict Management in Holding Company Restructuring . Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy, 2(2), 213–234. Retrieved from