Fishbone Analysis Method Adaptation in UD Nugraha Jaya Kediri Defective Products Quality Control


  • Titin Trimintarsih Universitas Wahidiyah, Kediri


Fishbone Analysis Method, Quality Control


Kediri is rich in crops, so special handling is needed so that the abundant fruits during the harvest season are not wasted because they have become rotten and can no longer be processed. UD Nugraha Jaya has processed products in the form of pineapple chips, jackfruit, mango, purple cassava, tape, breadfruit, and cassava. However, the products produced often experience defects that may be caused by man, method, machine, material, or environment. The research method used is the qualitative method, with interviews, documentation, and observation. Analytical tools with the fish bone analysis method. UD Nugraha Jaya has quality control activities in three stages: raw materials, production processes, and final products. The role of fishbone analysis in improving product quality in fruit chip products is to identify four types of dominant product defects: wilted, burnt, inappropriate-size products, and packaging damage. Based on the analysis of the cause and effect diagram, it is known that the factors causing deviations or defects in the product are human or employee factors, methods, machines, and materials or raw materials. It is recommended to use fishbone more often because it was recorded that before using fishbone, defective products amounted to 29.48% of the total production; there was a reduction to 6.83%. This means that there is a difference before and after using fish bone.


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How to Cite

Trimintarsih, T. (2022). Fishbone Analysis Method Adaptation in UD Nugraha Jaya Kediri Defective Products Quality Control. Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy, 2(2), 157–174. Retrieved from