The Importance of Understanding Intellectual Property Rights from a Legal Perspective and Its Benefits for Society


  • Ayu Cahya Pratiwi IAIN Kediri
  • Nabila Riski Laili Pertiwi IAIN Kediri
  • Abdul Hafidz Al Baihaqi IAIN Kediri


Intellectual property rights, Law, Society


Intellectual property rights are the right to obtain legal protection for your intellectual property in accordance with the law. in the field of IPR. This observation discusses the importance of understanding intellectual property rights from a legal perspective and its positive impact on society. Through an analysis of legal perspectives, this research highlights the significance of understanding intellectual property rights in protecting innovation and creativity. In fact, this research identifies concrete benefits that can be obtained by society from understanding intellectual property rights. The methods in this research are qualitative analysis research and a literary-view approach. The target of this discussion is to provide education to the public about the importance of understanding IPR and its benefits to society. The conclusions of this investigation highlight the need for a greater understanding of intellectual property rights among the general public. As a result, these discussions channeled significant participation to strengthen the legal basis and public understanding regarding intellectual property rights, with the hope of stimulating sustainable economic growth and better protection for innovation and creativity.


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How to Cite

Pratiwi, A. C., Pertiwi, N. R. L., & Baihaqi, A. H. A. (2022). The Importance of Understanding Intellectual Property Rights from a Legal Perspective and Its Benefits for Society. Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy, 2(2), 100–120. Retrieved from