Resilien Ekonomi Umat: Tantangan dan Prospek Industri Halal Pasca Krisis Pandemi Covid-19
Ummah Economy, Challenges, Prospects, Halal Industry, COVID-19Abstract
During the COVID-19 pandemic, applications for halal certification experienced a significant decline. However, as we enter the "new normal" era, this can be a great opportunity for business people who have obtained halal certification. This research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach and data analysis using content analysis. The aim is to investigate economic recovery strategies in the new normal era through the development of the halal industry, especially those based on micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). This research aims to provide a comprehensive review and analysis of the halal industry and the role of MSMEs in maintaining economic resilience during the new normal period. The focus of the analysis includes theoretical aspects, existing policies, as well as observations of the halal industry as a new source of state income. In this context, Islam emphasizes that industries that have a significant impact on the state and society should be owned collectively and not by individuals or private entities. The rights given by the state to the private sector can also be revoked if the private company harms society. This reflects the principle of public interest, which is highly upheld in Islam.
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