Optimalisasi Dana Zakat, Infaq, dan Sedekah dalam Mendorong Pemberdayaan Ekonomi pada Lazis NU MWC Prambon Nganjuk


  • Mohamad Izzudin IAI Badrus Sholeh Kediri
  • Siti Masruroh IAI Badrus Sholeh Kediri


Infaq, Mustahiq, Sadaqah, Zakat


In the Islamic economy, Amil Zakat, Infāq, and Sadaqah institutions have an important role in maintaining the economic welfare of society, especially middle-class society. This research aims to determine the application and impact of utilizing zakat, infaq, and shadaqah (ZIS) funds on economic empowerment in Lazis NU Prambon. The utilization of zakat, infaq, and shadaqah funds at Lazis NU Prambon is empowered and used according to the direction of PCNU Nganjuk as the NU Nganjuk Branch Manager. Nahdlatul Ulama Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah Management Network (JPZISNU) collects all zakat, infaq, and shadaqah funds in their respective regions in the Prambon area. ZIS funds are utilized in the form of programs such as NU Cares for Social Affairs, NU Cares for Health, NU Cares for the Economy, NU Cares for Education, and NU Cares for Disasters. In realizing the welfare of mustahik in Prambon District, as a form of impact, the ZIS funds managed by Lazis NU Prambon in various programs have been well distributed to zakat mustahik in the Prambon area.


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How to Cite

Izzudin, M., & Masruroh, S. (2023). Optimalisasi Dana Zakat, Infaq, dan Sedekah dalam Mendorong Pemberdayaan Ekonomi pada Lazis NU MWC Prambon Nganjuk. Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy, 2(1), 319–332. Retrieved from https://jurnalfebi.iainkediri.ac.id/index.php/proceedings/article/view/1039