Pengaruh Corporate Social Responbility Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Dengan Good Corporate Governance Sebagai Variable Moderasi
Corporate Social Responbility, Good Corporate Governance, Corporate ValuesAbstract
Research on the relationship between GCG, CSR, and corporate value still needs to be done because the development of the business world is increasing rapidly, followed by increasingly fierce competition. Companies are required to think effectively and efficiently, and most importantly, they must be critical to be superior in competition. Improving the welfare of shareholders is one of the main goals of the company. As for increasing the value of the company, it can be done with good corporate governance (GCG) and carrying out social responsibility (CSR). Sampling was done by the purposive sampling method, and we obtained a sample of 24 companies x 4 years = 96 samples. This research method uses simple regression and mediation regression analysis with the absolute difference test, which is processed with SPSS for Windows version 25 software. The result of the study shows that the CSR variable has a positive and significant influence on firm value (PBV). Evidence by t count 3.674 > 1.986 (t table) and a significance of 0.000 < 0.05 Good corporate governance (GCG) is unable to moderate the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and corporate vice (PBV). It is proven by the value of the AbsCSR_GCG variable, which has a t count of 0,563<1,986 (t table) and a significance of 0,581<0,05.
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