Integrasi Endorsement Marketing dalam Menciptakan Green Consumers


  • Rofik Efendi IAIN Kediri
  • Sri Anugrah Natalina IAIN Kediri
  • Yuliani Yuliani IAIN Kediri


Green consumers, Endorsement Marketing, Sustainability development


Modern marketing is not only oriented towards achieving profits, but must also have responsibility for the environment. The government also creates regulations for all components related to the economy, one of which is that business units must support sustainability development. Marketing strategies must go hand in hand with the goals of business units and the government for the success of sustainability development. Endorsement Marketing strategies can be integrated as a form of providing information and knowledge about company products and environmental responsibility. Modern consumers are consumers who have knowledge about the products they will consume and the impacts that can be caused by these products both for personal consumers and the environment. The complete and comprehensive understanding that consumers have is called green consumers.


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How to Cite

Efendi, R., Natalina, S. A., & Yuliani, Y. (2023). Integrasi Endorsement Marketing dalam Menciptakan Green Consumers. Proceedings of Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy, 2(1), 77–85. Retrieved from